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eggars Meaning in Tamil ( eggars வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


eggars தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

முட்டைக்கருவில் குருதி காணப்பட்டால் குஞ்சு பொரிக்க தயாராகிவிட்டதாக கருதி அவை தடை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன; அஸ்கனாசு யூதர்கள் முட்டையில் எங்கு குருதி காணப்பட்டாலும் அவற்றை கொசேர் இல்லை எனக் கருதினர்.

**கருவியல் - முட்டைக்கரு வளர்ச்சி படிநிலைகள்.

விலங்குகளில் கன்னிப்பிறப்பு என்பது இனப்பெருக்கமற்ற முட்டைக்கருவில் இருந்து முளைய வளருதலையும், இனக்கலப்பிலா படிமுறையையும் குறிக்கும்.

eggars's Usage Examples:

These corsairs, for such they were, were known by the name of Sea-Beggars (Gueux-de-Mer).

In the same street, the rue des Petits Carmes, was the Hotel Culembourg in which the famous oath of the beggars was taken.

beggars cannot be choosers and there never appears to be a shortage of takers when a rare part is offered.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Beggars frequented the place, and travellers from the village of Hoxton, who crossed it in order to get into London, did so with as much expedition as possible.

All male citizens 21 years old who could read and write, or who paid taxes amounting to 500 reis yearly, had the parliamentary franchise, except convicts, beggars, undischarged bankrupts, domestic servants, workmen permanently employed by the state and soldiers or sailors below the rank of commissioned officer.

"He relieved the poor wheresoever he came, so that flies flock not thicker to spilt honey than beggars constantly crowd about him" (Fuller).

Besides the prisons, which include one built on the cellular principle at Breda, the state supports three penal workhouses for drunkards and beggars.

They are of three kinds: - (i) Depots de mendicite (beggars' depots); (2) maisons de refuge (houses of refuge); and (3) ecoles de bienfaisance (reformatory schools).

Peter of Savoy, another uncle, was perhaps the most shameless of all the beggars for the kings bounty; not only was he made earl of Richmond, but his debts were repeatedly paid and great sums were given him to help his continental adventures.

Perquisites, offices, frced loans were multiplied to such a point that a critic of the times, Guy Patin, facetiously declared that duties were to be exacted from the beggars basking in the sun.

This is no doubt accounted for by the extreme poverty which prevails among the lower classes, though beggars, on the other hand, are very few, the convictions being 8.

Word quickly spread and the beggars desisted in their activities.

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