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egad Meaning in Tamil ( egad வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


egad's Usage Examples:

Lucifer and the renegade angels fall into hell, but hell was already inhabited by demons, mutants and aliens.

Spaniards who were openly or secretly Christians had acted with the renegades.

Apparently the cavalry caught up with the renegades.

They looked down on the Syrian, they thought the Berber a lout and a plebeian, they scorned the renegade, and called him a slave and son of a slave.

He converted his third master, a renegade Italian, and escaped with him to Aigues-Mortes near Marseilles in June 1607.

'Ali, the son of a Cretan renegade, was proclaimed sovereign by the troops under the title of "Bey," and, being a prince of energy and ability, was able to establish the hereditary sovereignty, which has lasted without change of dynasty to the present time.

From this point the Raadhusgade leads north-west to the combined Nytorv-og-Gammeltorv, where is the old townhall (Raadhus, 1815), and continues as the NBrregade to the Vor Frue Kirke (Church of our Lady), the cathedral church of Copenhagen.

"After the close of the Convention Tallien's political importance came to an end, for, though he sat in the Council of Five Hundred, the moderates attacked him as terrorist, and the extreme party as a renegade.

techy beats from Barcode Recordings which is an off shoot of Renegade Hardware.

"Vereshchagin is a renegade and a traitor who will be punished as he deserves," said he with the vindictive heat with which people speak when recalling an insult.

If the Indians were renegades, surely they wouldn't want to take the time to track only two people - not with the cavalry on their trail.

comport with nothingness?259) reports a reproof addressed by Ali to the French renegade Ibrahim Effendi, who had ventured to remonstrate against some particular act of ferocity: " At present you are too young at my court to know how to comport yourself.

A third army, commanded by Malik Kafur, a Hindu renegade and favourite of Ala-ud-din, penetrated to the extreme south of the peninsula, scattering the unwarlike Dravidian races, and stripping every Hindu temple of its accumulations of gold and jewels.

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