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effet Meaning in Tamil ( effet வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பலன் விளைவு,

effet தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு தலையீட்டின் செலவு மற்றும் பலன் விளைவுகள் பொது மக்களின் அவற்றிற்கு ஈடு செய்ய விரும்புவது (பலன்கள்) அல்லது அவற்றைக் கொடுக்க தவிர்க்க விரும்பும் (செலவுகள்)ஆகியவற்றின் வரையறைகளில் மதிப்பிடப்படுகிறது.

effet's Usage Examples:

Emerging from it was a tall, rather effete looking man dressed in a white tropical suite.

He was not content with laying the blame at the door of the effete War Office, but deplored the apathetic way in which the Tsar passed the time at headquarters, without any clear political plan, holding on supinely to formalism and routine, yielding to the spasmodic interference of the Empress.

My auxiliaries are the dews and rains which water this dry soil, and what fertility is in the soil itself, which for the most part is lean and effete.

The fruit of his policy, which made of Rome a counterpoise against the effete empire of the Greeks upon the one hand and against the pressure of the feudal kingdom on the other, was seen in the succeeding century.

There was no actual religious war; all sectarian distinction had been disavowed; the contest was between vigorous Mahommedans and effete Mabommedans.

The Revolution, according to him, meant the sweeping away of effete beliefs and institutions, but implied also the necessity of a reconstructive process.

That is, logic is grounded by them, not upon an effete tradition but upon a new investigation of thought as it actually is in its psychological foundations, in its significance for knowledge, and its actual operation in scientific methods.

But why do the tenors always get such short shrift?Basses are charitable people, but their charity does not extend so far as tenors, whom they consider effete poseurs.

Moreover, Harold had before his eye as a precedent the displacement of the effete Carolingian line in France, by the new house of Robert the Strong and Hugh Capet, seventy years before, He prepared for the crisis that must come at the death of Edward the Confessor by bestowing the governance of several earldoms upon his brothers.

Perhaps it was just an effete London thing shunned by real men who were into spanners, grease and steam.

"You'd have been too effete, with your soft hands and Polo scent.

"S'il existe beaucoup de varietes produites par l'effet des circonstances, ces varietes ne denaturent point les especes; mais on se trompe, sans doute souvent, en indiquant comme espece, ce qui n'est que variete; et alors je sens que cette erreur peut tirer a consequence dans les raisonnements que 1'on fait sur cette matiere.

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