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ecole Meaning in Tamil ( ecole வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ecole's Usage Examples:

They showed their gratitude by dedicating a book to him in 1896, Etudes d'histoire age, and after his retirement in 1905 by having his features engraved on a slab (see A Gabriel Monod, en souvenir de son enseignement: ecole pratique des hautes etudes, 1868-1905, ecole normale superieure, 1880-1904.

Graillot in Melanges de l'ecole francaise de Rome (1896), 131; and Notizie degli scavi (1896), passim.

Bourquelet, "Sens des mots France et Neustrie sous le regime merovingien," in the Bibliotheque de t'ecole des chartes, xxvi.

des ecoles francaises d'Athenes et de Rome, fasc.

The more advanced schools, known as ecoles centrales, were reconstituted either as ecoles secondaires or as lycees by the law of the 30th of April 1802.

Napoleon might have remembered his own saying, " La misere est 1'ecole du bon soldat.

On his return to France he studied at the ecole centrale des travaux publics, and his social education was accomplished in the salon of Pauline de Beaumont, the friend of Chateaubriand and Joubert.

They are of three kinds: - (i) Depots de mendicite (beggars' depots); (2) maisons de refuge (houses of refuge); and (3) ecoles de bienfaisance (reformatory schools).

Ashby, Mélanges de l'ecole francaise, 1903, 416.

- Sow main crops of wrinkled marrow peas; Longpod and Windsor beans; cabbage, onions, leeks, Early Horn carrots, parsnips, salsafy, scorzonera, Brussels sprouts, borecoles, lettuces and spinach.

Bertrand, Un Critique d'art dans l'antiquite: Philostrate et son ecole (1882); Bergk, "Die Philostrate" in Rini' Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophic and Astronomic (1883); Schmid, Atticismus iv.

The performance was the occasion of a split among the actors of the Comedie Frangaise, and the new theatre in the Palais Royal, established by the dissidents, was inaugurated with Henri VIII (1791), generally recognized as Chenier's masterpiece; Jean Calas, ou l'ecole des juges followed in the same year.

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