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dualist Meaning in Tamil ( dualist வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



dualist's Usage Examples:

It is not to be dualistic but monistic realism, because matter is not separate from spirit.

"Some were downright dualists, and believed that there are two gods or principles, one of good and the other of evil, both eternal; but as a rule they subordinated the evil to the good.

intended by the Liberal leaders to serve as a diversion in favour of the Liberal-dualist standpoint; nevertheless, Nationalist feeling found strong expression during the negotiations of Banffy and Szell with various Austrian premiers for the renewal of the economic Ausgleich, or " Customs and Trade Alliance.

But in addition to these doctrines of an adoptionist origin, they held the Manichaean dualistic conception of the origin of the world.

The true Basilides, perhaps also Satornil, Marcion and a part of his disciples, Bardesanes and others, were frankly dualists.

Politically, Spencer is an individualist of an extreme laissez faire type, and it is in his political attitude that the consequences of his pre-Darwinian conception of Evolution are most manifest.

It becomes equivalent to economic laisser-faire and "Manchesterism," and as such it must fight its own corner with those who now take into consideration many national factors which had no place in the early utilitarian individualistic regime of Cobden's own day.

These " capitulations " obliged the Coalition government to carry on a dualist policy, although the majority of its adherents became, by the general election of May 1906, members of the Kossuth or Independence party, and, as such, pledged to the economic and political separation of Hungary from Austria save as regards the person of the ruler.

Between 1912 and 1914 she was influenced by Max Stirner's version of individualist anarchism.

brutish things, individualistic in the extreme.

But clear signs of the decay of the dualist and of the growth of an extreme nationalist Magyar spirit were already visible.

Plotinus is no dualist, like the Christian Gnostics; he admires the beauty and splendour of the world.

By his personal conduct he had set an ideal example for Anglican priests, and it was not his fault that national authority failed to crush the individualistic tendencies of the Protestant Reformation.


disciple, adherent,


nonadhesive, leader,

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