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drupe Meaning in Tamil ( drupe வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



drupe's Usage Examples:

It is nowhere abundant, but is found over the northern parts of Europe and Asia, and is a quiet, inoffensive animal, nocturnal and solitary in its habits, sleeping by day in its burrow, and issuing forth at night to feed on roots, beech-mast, fruits, the eggs of birds, small quadrupeds, frogs and insects.

- Fruit (drupe) of Peach cut lengthwise.

The sloth, armadillo, opossum, skunk and a species of fox complete the list of the more common quadrupeds so far as known, though it is certain that a careful biological survey would discover many others.

These scientists believe that coconut fits in more closely with another class of fruit known as drupes.

I saw neither bird, quadruped, reptile, nor insect.

The clawed slender fingers did not make Archaeopteryx any more quadrupedal or bat-like in its habits than is a kestrel hawk, with its equally large, or even larger thumb-claw.

The coconut is actually the seed of the palm tree, but it is widely considered to be a drupe, a category of fruit.

de Reaumur, who "would willingly refer to the class of insects all animals whose form would not allow them to be placed in the class of ordinary quadrupeds, in that of birds, or in that of fishes.

FERRET, a domesticated, and frequently albino breed of quadruped, derived from the wild polecat (Putorius foetidus, or P.

I thought I might just as well describe my pet in order to know it--order, vertebrate; division, quadruped; class, mammalia; genus, felinus; species, cat; individual, Tabby.

The fruit is a kind of drupe, the fleshy husk of which is the dilated receptacular tube, while the two-valved stone represents the two carpels.

The timid viscacha (Lagostomus trichodactylus), living in colonies, often with the burrowing owl, and digging deep under ground like the American prairie dog, was almost the only quadruped to be seen upon these immense open plains.

Muybridge (1899) is the oldest known source on the classification of quadrupedal gaits in general, including elephant gaits.


Chinese date, almond, drupelet, jujube, Chinese jujube, fruit, elderberry, olive, stone fruit, plum, peach, cherry,


achromatic color, achromatic, keep quiet, man,

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