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dropped Meaning in Tamil ( dropped வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


துளி சிதற விடு,

dropped's Usage Examples:

At the table, he slung a long leg over a chair and dropped into it, kicking out the chair next to him for Carmen.

The " Endeavour " then coasted northward, and after passing and naming Mount Dromedary, the Pigeon House, Point Upright, Cape St George and Red Point, Botany Bay was discovered on the 28th of April 1770, and as it appeared to offer a suitable anchorage, the " Endeavour " entered the bay and dropped anchor.

With a final glance at the approaching figures, she dropped from the wagon seat and sauntered over to join the men at the cook fire.

The para-nitro compound is dropped slowly into a cold solution of one part of caustic potash in ten parts of absolute alcohol; the solution becomes dark red in colour and is then warmed for two days on the water bath.

He changed forms in midair and dropped the half dozen feet to the ground, smelling Toby.

She has dropped two dress sizes, and is now a svelte size 10 !However this does n't do my svelte figure any good.

She donned a long nightgown and dropped into bed.

The earlier geologists had been in the habit of dividing the Quaternary deposits into an older Diluvium and a younger Alluvium; the latter is still employed in England, but the former has dropped out of use, though it is still retained by some continental writers.

In ordinary cases the potting soil should be just so far removed from dryness that when a handful is gently pressed it may hang together, but may lose its cohesion when dropped.

Before Dean finished hanging up his coat, pouring a cup of over-brewed coffee and settling in his chair, Rita Angeltoni dropped a pile of telephone messages on his desk.

A stone dropped from the ceiling into the vat, and warm blood splashed over him.

A bomber dropped a single bomb on a parade field in the capital, without loss of life.

"I, uh, dropped your blood sample," he said with a glance at the figure with his back toward them both.


plank down, sink, plump down, drop down, displace, plop, plonk down, dump, move, hang,


contract in, accept, obey, increment, rested,

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