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drag Meaning in Tamil ( drag வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



drag தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


drag's Usage Examples:

Although Owen Roe O'Neill possessed the qualities of a general, the struggle dragged on inconclusively for three or four years.

I don't believe in white-sheeted spirits that scare little boys or drag chains around or only come out in cemeteries on Halloween.

It soon became necessary to create the important post of chief dragoman at the Porte, and there was no choice save to appoint a Greek, as no other race in Turkey combined the requisite knowledge of languages with the tact and adroitness essential for conducting diplomatic negotiations.

The dragons of this story exist in a hyperdimensional layer of interstellar space known as the Flux.

An important part of the dragoman's duties is to attend during any legal proceedings to which a subject of his nationality is a party, as failing his attendance and his concurrence in the judgment delivered such proceedings are null and void.

The savings all expended and Sully fallen into disgrace, she lost her influence and became the almost unconscious instrument of an ambitious man of low birth, the Florentine Concini, who was to drag her down with him in his fall; petty shifts became thenceforward the order of the day.

Eustace, who had concealed himself in the bilge, was dragged out.

On all sides they saw rain-soaked officers with dejected faces who seemed to be seeking something, and soldiers dragging doors, benches, and fencing from the village.

The people dragged themselves along, some carrying knapsacks or kit-bags, others pushing prams or handcarts, exchanging their goods for food.

They give you their order in a thought bubble and it's your job to drag the correct food and drink from the conveyor belt and drink tray.

Rostov smilingly reassured the dragoon and gave him money.

It sat between the boardwalk and one of the buildings where the people had dragged it.

In the East, where after the example of the Church of Antioch the Quadragesima fast had been kept distinct from that of Holy Week, the whole fast came to last for seven weeks, both Saturdays and Sundays (except Holy Saturday) being, however, excluded.


draw, train, force, pull along, trail, shlep, schlep, pull,


differ, disagree, obey, permissive, push,

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