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dishwater Meaning in Tamil ( dishwater வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


dishwater's Usage Examples:

Since they are relatively unembellished, Tzarina's styles are dishwater safe as well.

His absence sucked the energy from the room and she stared down at the dishwater.

How the warlords ever thought this creature would save them…Carmen shrugged again, plunging her hands into the warm dishwater.

The Like a Prayer - Madonna dyed her dishwater blonde hair to dark brunette and got those crazy, frizzy curls under control for this controversial music video.

Carmen shrugged again, plunging her hands into the warm dishwater.

dishwater fluid " can also be noted in the wound.

It is milky in color and resembles dirty dishwater.

Witch Trials suggests magic mushroom tea drunk from a dirty pub ashtray, an Ambrosian dishwater.

The phone rang, precluding a pithy rejoinder, and as Cynthia was elbow-deep in dishwater, Dean answered.


water, H2O,


soft water, saltwater, fresh water,

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