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discoverable Meaning in Tamil ( discoverable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



discoverable's Usage Examples:

The causes of disease may be provisionally classified somewhat as follows, but it may he remarked at the outset that no one of these proximal causes, or agents, is ever solely responsible; and it is very easy to err in attributing a diseased condition to any of them, unless the relative importance of primary and subordinate agencies is discoverable.

A tendency to rhythmic contraction seems discoverable in almost all muscles.

indigent unguided friends, I should think some work might be discoverable for you.

Everywhere the effect reveals an element which is indiscoverable in the cause with the result that the identity we seek for ever eludes us.

"I can understand perfectly well," says Kant, "how a consequence follows from its reason according to the law of identity, since it is discoverable by mere analysis of the notion contained in it.

The path of duty for a general saddled with a plan which he disapproves is not easily discoverable.

If, however, as it would surely be rash to deny, there still remains philosophical truth undiscovered, but discoverable by human intelligence, it is evident that eclecticism is not the only philosophy.

No goal or purpose is discoverable in this eternal round; if the sun rises.

His constructive theory comes at the end, and seems to argue thus: Since (i) there is no discoverable reason why we 3 Mansel's theism (or natural theology), and the revelation he believes in, seem both of them pure matters of assertion on his part, without evidence, or even in the teeth of the evidence as he conceives it.

"generally, as media through, which to make known their opinions, there being a flavour of mysticism or occultism promotive of inquiry and suggestive of hidden meanings discernible or discoverable only by adepts.

Its highest function is the contemplation of the divine unity, discoverable under the manifold of objects.


ascertainable, determinable,


undetermined, incalculable, indeterminable,

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