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discordant Meaning in Tamil ( discordant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒன்றுக்கொன்று ஒவ்வாத,

discordant's Usage Examples:

Such a state of things could live on only under an enlightened despotism; the discordant elements could not join to work out really free and national institutions.

And this is when he is carried out of himself, when the discordant qualities of his genius are, so to say, fused together by the electric spark of an immediate inspiration.

There is no longer the measured quiet sound of throbbing activity, like the sound of boiling water, but diverse discordant sounds of disorder.

It became a question between Amalric and Nureddin, which of the two should control the discordant viziers, who vied with one another for the control of the decadent caliphs of Egypt.

Hence Adam is a discordant being, created in the image of Satan, but carrying within him the stronger spark of light.

Nearly all of them activate utterly discordant ' sympathetic resonances ' within my awareness; they seem to me altogether too far-fetched !The deeply grooved surface formed by the highly blazed grating provides a novel route to finding deep cavity resonances with thin structures.

A more amiable and a more harmless man never lived; and this was much in that age of discordant passions and lawless licence.

The results of experiments as to the effect of magnetization were for long discordant and inconclusive, sufficient care not having been taken to avoid sources of error, while the effects of hysteresis were altogether disregarded.

The vestibule was filled with the discordant sounds of a struggle and of a tipsy, hoarse voice.

One would expect this random method of notation to be discordant, however the resultant music is surprisingly reminiscent of classical piano minuets.

In 1513 the arrival of its first bishop, who later also exercised the function of general inquisitor, added one more to the discordant elements ruling the island.

Nearly all of them activate utterly discordant ' sympathetic resonances ' within my awareness; they seem to me altogether too far-fetched!In [6] we gave a way of handling " negative resonances " by introducing a first order perturbation.


inharmonious, dissonant, unharmonious, disharmonious, inharmonic,


consensual, agreeable, concordant, unanimous, harmonious,

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