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discarded Meaning in Tamil ( discarded வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



discarded தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உபரியான அமினோ அமிலங்கள் அப்புறப்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன, முக்கியமாக சிறுநீரகம் வழியாக.

இதுபோன்ற மாற்றுதல்களுக்குப் பிந்தைய இந்த அமினோ அமிலங்கள் அப்புறப்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன.

discarded's Usage Examples:

waterworn stone and suchlike, will be returned to the finder or discarded with their permission.

The census of the 31st of December 1900 was strikingly defective; it was wholly discarded for the city of Rio de Janeiro, and had to be completed by office computations in the returns from several states.

You may be a cop, but you're also an obnoxious slob who's soiling a clean carpet with your discarded body parts.

And Epicurus assures us that he means by pleasure what plain men mean by it; and that if the gratifications of appetite and sense are discarded, the notion is emptied of its significance.

They are deposited in a temple, in charge of a small sacred college; new deities and rites are introduced under their sanction; when they are accidentally destroyed, envoys are sent to the East and fresh collections are made; these are in their turn purged, the false are discarded and the true reverently preserved.

Once ID and payment information are input to the scanning processor, fingerprint pictures are discarded.

Finds such as fragments of modern metal, waterworn stone and suchlike, will be returned to the finder or discarded with their permission.

In his translation he discarded the native Saturnian metre, and adopted the iambic, trochaic and cretic metres, to which Latin more easily adapted itself than either to the hexameter or to the lyrical measures of a later time.

He considered warning the Indian night clerk that they had a real winner wandering out on the sand in the middle of the night but discarded the idea.

For, if the human soul is identical with God, the practice of austerities must be discarded as directed against God, and it is rather by a free indulgence of the natural appetites and the pleasures of life that man's love for God will best be shown.

The letters r and t have been discarded in favour of 1 and k, as expressing more accurately the native pronunciation, so that, for example, taro, the former name of the Colocasia plant, is now kalo.

36) not many years before had derided and which was discarded by Greek cartographers ever after.


cast-off, throwaway, thrown-away, unwanted,


lovable, desirable, welcome, loved, wanted,

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