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dimorphic Meaning in Tamil ( dimorphic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இருநிலை வளர்ச்சி,

dimorphic தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இது பால்சார் இருநிலை வளர்ச்சி எனப்படுகின்றது.

இவைகள் இருநிலை வளர்ச்சி பாலினம் கொண்டதாகும்.

இனப்பெருக்க காலத்தின் போது, பாலின இருநிலை வளர்ச்சி காணப்படுகிறது.

dimorphic's Usage Examples:

In many fern-like plants of this period the fronds were dimorphic, the fertile leaves or pinnae having a form quite different from that of the vegetative portions.

Some of the epiphytic forms (Polypodium quercifolium, Platycerium) have strongly dimorphic leaves, the sterile leaves serving in some cases to catch falling debris, and thus to provide the plant with soil.

Such plants are called dimorphic.

richardsoni, a name that correctly applies only to whole-coloured examples, for this species too is dimorphic.

- Rotifera are unisexual, with the sexes dimorphic.

Darwin's works on dimorphic flowers and the fertilization of orchids gave powerful support to this statement.

In the case of a dimorphic flower, such as Primula, four modes of pollination are possible, two distinguished by Darwin as legitimate, between anthers and stigmas on corresponding levels, and two so-called illegitimate unions, between anthers and stigmas at different levels (cf.

There is evidence that the stem in some species was a climbing one; the pinnate leaves, arranged on the stem in a two-fifths spiral, were dimorphic, the sterile fronds resembling some forms of (From a drawing by Mrs D.

There are even dimorphic forms among the Syllids where the sexes are, as in many Polychaets, separate.





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