<< diffuser diffuses >>

diffusers Meaning in Tamil ( diffusers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விரவிப் பரப்புவான்,

diffusers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


diffusers's Usage Examples:

A combination of a VCSEL sources and holographic diffusers will allow eyesafe emission of these power levels.

This paper will discuss methods for making ternary sequence diffusers.

Q - I have heard of laser diffusers what are these?Measurements show comparable performance between active and passive diffusers, while the active solution requires less space.

holographic diffusers will allow eyesafe emission of these power levels.

The diffusers can be simple, or quite elaborate with designs, colors, and patters.

Supplying their own custom designed lighting diffusers, they have reduced glare and improved the working environment for hundreds of eye strained workers.

Reed diffusers are a special type of home fragrance product that provides an alternative way to scent an area when candles are not allowed.

Room acoustic diffusers can be used to treat the acoustics of critical listening environments.

Other aromatherapy products available from the company include aroma sprays, diffusers and burners, and oil blends and resins for use in perfume making.


diffusor, baffle, baffle board,



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