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dicty Meaning in Tamil ( dicty வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



dicty's Usage Examples:

The latter has established, for all the Palaeozoic insects, an order Palaeodictyoptera, there being a closer similarity between the fore-wings and the hind-wings than is to be seen in most living orders of Hexapoda, while affinities are shown to several of these orders - notably the Orthoptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata and Hemiptera.

In the petiole these strands may increase in number by branching, and thotigh usually reducible to the outline of the primitive horseshoe, more or less elaborated, they may in some of the complex polycylic dictyostelic types (Marattiaceae) be arranged in several concentric circles, thus imitating the arrangement of strands formed in the stem.

The streaming of the protoplasm, known elsewhere among ChloroIn Hydrodictyaceae, Cladophoraceae, Sphaeropleaceae and Gomontiphyceae, is a conspicuous feature of the cells of Characeae.

In this use the term loses, of course, its morphoI logical value, and it is better to call such a segment of a broken-up I stele a meristele, the whole solenostele with overlapping leaf-gaps being called a dictyostele.

Usually two cilia are present; in Botrydium and Hydrodictyon only one is present; in certain species of Cladophora four; in Dasycladus a chaplet, and in Oedogonium a ring of many cilia.

Hydrodictyon, a single mesh surrounded by 6 cells.

Such a structure may be spoken of as a dissected dictyostele.

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