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dialogues Meaning in Tamil ( dialogues வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உடையாடல், சம்பாஷனை,

dialogues தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ட்ரூவுடனான எனது தினசரி சம்பாஷனையின் விளைவாக எனக்குக் கிடைத்தத் தமிழ் படிப்புக்கான தூண்டுதலில் நான் மிகவும் பயனடைந்தேன்," என்று ராபர்ட் கால்டுவெல் குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.

dialogues's Usage Examples:

On the other hand, the demonstrations of mathematical sciences of his time, and the logical forms of deduction evinced in Plato's dialogues, provided him with admirable examples of deduction, which is also the inference most capable of analysis.

He collaborated with his father Apollinaris the Elder in reproducing the Old Testament in the form of Homeric and Pindaric poetry, and the New after the fashion of Platonic dialogues, when the emperor Julian had forbidden Christians to teach the classics.

Landor's Imaginary Conversations (1821-1828) is the most famous example of it in the, 9th century, although the dialogues of Sir Arthur Helps claim attention.

A special interest attaches to the dialogues written after the manner of Plato but with Aristotle as principal interlocutor; and some of these, e.

For example, in one of Plato's dialogues (Theaet.

How do I reconcile my personal choices with my statement that the farm of the future is a good thing?He formed the resolution to translate all the works of Aristotle and all the dialogues of Plato, and to reconcile the philosophy of Plato with that of Aristotle.

Plato is said to have introduced them into Athens and to have made use of them in his dialogues; according to Suidas, they were Plato's constant companions, and he even slept with them under his pillow.

8), exclaiming in his dialogues, according to Proclus, that he could not sympathize with the dogma even if it should be thought that he was opposing, it out of contentiousness; while Plutarch says that his attacks on the forms by means of his exoteric dialogues were thought by some.

The Phenomenology stands to the Encyklopadie somewhat as the dialogues of Plato stand to the Aristotelian treatises.


talking, talk, duologue, dialog,


keep quiet, specify, close up, shout, whisper,

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