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dialectic Meaning in Tamil ( dialectic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விதிமுறைப்படி உண்மையை சரிபார்த்தல், வாதமுறை ஆராய்ச்சி,

dialectic's Usage Examples:

This is one among many flaws in the Hegelian dialectic, and it paralyzes the whole of the Logic.

Even these principles, however, may get a greater explicitness by dialectical treatment.

A more commanding figure is that of Aurelius Augustinus or St Augustine (354-430), bishop of Hippo, who for comprehensiveness and dialectical power stands out in the same way as Hieronymus or St Jerome (c.

The apprehension never died out in his mind; and when he knew that the principles and abstractions, the un-English dialect and destructive dialectic, of his former acquaintances were predominant in the National Assembly, his suspicion that the movement would end in disastrous miscarriage waxed into certainty.

Such an about-face into timelessness is not extraneous to Hegel's dialectics and philosophy of history.

It is probable also that the " extraneous discourses " (Oi i wTEpLKoi Aoyoc) sometimes mentioned in them here mean dialectical discussions of a subject from opinions extraneous to its nature, as opposed to scientific deduction from its appropriate principles.

To this the Stoics assigned a miscellany of studies - rhetoric, dialectic, including grammar, in addition to formal Logic.

When, however, Bernard, not without foregone terror in the prospect of meeting the redoubtable dialectician, had opened the case, suddenly Abelard appealed to Rome.

The dialectical doctrine of judgment as the declaration of one member of a disjunction by contradiction, which is later so important, is struggling with one of its initial difficulties, 2 viz.

At the same time, there are three species of syllogism, scientific, dialectical and eristical or sophistical; and in consequence there are different ways of acquiring premisses.




imitation, monism,

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