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diagonal Meaning in Tamil ( diagonal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எதிர்க்கோணங்களைச்சேர்க்கும் நேர்க்கோடு, எதிர்க்கோணங்களைச்சேர்க்கும், மூலைவிட்டம்,

diagonal's Usage Examples:

Support for diagonal and full covariance Gaussian mixture HMMs.

Before they could answer, she turned on her heels and stumbled back to her quarters, diagonally across the hall.

he winds it on bobbins with a rapid reciprocating motion, so as to lay the fibre in diagonal lines.

The products in question may be obtained by permuting in every possible manner the columns (or the lines) of the determinant, and then taking for the factors the n elements in the dexter diagonal.

The examination of dispersion of the optic axes in biaxal crystals (see Refraction, § Double) may be conveniently made with a plate perpendicular to the acute bisectrix placed in the diagonal position for light of mean period between a crossed polarizer and analyser.

2 944) consists of the six carbon atoms placed at the corners of a regular octahedron, and connected together by the full lines as shown in (I); a plane projection gives a hexagon with diagonals (II).

The rhombic faces of the dodecahedron are often striated parallel to the longer diagonal.

dihedral symmetry, and the symmetry is used to block diagonalize the relevant matrices, enabling their eigenvalues to be calculated.

i shows the slips corresponding to the numbers 2, o, 8, 5 placed side by side in contact with one another, and next to them is placed another slip containing, in squares without diagonals, the first nine digits.

A diagonal matrix D which takes all image colors into the canonical gamut is a solution to the color constancy problem.

Jeanette is the converse of jean, being a twill of "two ends up to one down"; the diagonal passes from selvage to selvage at a greater angle than 45 degrees and the warp makes the wearing surface.




parallel, perpendicular,

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