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dexterous Meaning in Tamil ( dexterous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கைகளை திறமையோடு பயன்படுத்துகிற, வலது கைப் பழக்கம் உடைய,

dexterous's Usage Examples:

He was a ready and powerful debater, full of resource, and dexterous in controversy.

A subsidy was granted which the elector did not regard as adequate, and by a dexterous use of his power he established his right to take an excise on beer.

Thus, very dexterously, Griffenfeldt had succeeded in gaining his subsidies without sacrificing his neutrality.

LUCY CASSON Self-taught in metalwork, Casson is highly dexterous now, and on good days the work simply flows.

When the Chinese government was terrified by the advance of the AngloFrench expedition of 1860 and the burning of the Summer Palace, he worked on their fears so dexterously that he obtained for Russia not only the left bank of the Amur, the original object of the mission, but also a large extent of territory and sea-coast south of that river.

By very dexterous military and diplomatic operations Vitellius succeeded completely.

The change was very dexterously effected by Godunov, with the formal assent of the Eastern Orthodox Church as a whole, and one of his adherents was placed on the patriarchal throne.

The dexterous Greeks humoured him to the top of his bent.

By dexterous diplomacy he first succeeded (1504) in rendering it impossible for Cesare Borgia to remain in Italy.

In the next generation they dexterously forced the venerable records of the early republic to pronounce in favour of the ascendancy of the senate, as established by Sulla.

Gemini's hands are particularly nimble and dexterous, so any profession that requires detailed product carvings would be a good fit.

Rats: Rats are mentally dexterous and clever.


adroit, deft, dextrous,


uncoordinated, tactless, artless, maladroit,

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