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devote Meaning in Tamil ( devote வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முழுதும் ஈடுபடுத்து,

devote தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


devote's Usage Examples:

He was already distinguished for his knightly prowess, and for some years devoted himself to adventure.

I warmly shake your hand and remain devotedly yours.

Vega devoted great attention to the detection and correction of the errors in Vlacq's work of 1628.

How did this man become so fabulously wealthy from a life supposedly devoted to public service?To the reverse of the frame it has been fabulously finished has swivel hooks which secure the treasured photo's in place.

Succeeding Maxwell as Cavendish professor of physics at Cambridge in 1880, he soon devoted himself especially to the exact redetermination of the practical electrical units in absolute measure.

In Hebrew the root h-r-m means to " set apart," " devote to Yahweh," for destruction; but in Arabic it means simply to separate or seclude (cf.

He incurred their special reproaches by his condemnation of the irresistible evolution which impelled Rome to desire exclusive dominion over Catholic Europe and to devote her attention to earthly things.

Victor Cousin has devoted four volumes to her, which, though immensely diffuse, give a vivid picture of her time.

Sainte-Beuve devotes to him two papers of delicate and admiring criticism.

In the western provinces about Kandahar (amongst the Durani Afghans - the people who claim to be Beni-Israel), and especially in Zamindawar, the spirit of fanaticism runs high, and every other Afghan is a possible Ghazi - a man who has devoted his life to the extinction of other creeds.

He was originally a watchmaker, but retired from business about the age of thirty and devoted himself to experimental and observational science.

He had transferred much territory to chiefs and confederacies devoted to his cause; every petty court had its Greek faction; and the detachments which he left behind at various positions, from the Afghan frontier to the Beas, and from near the base of the Himalaya to the Sind delta, were visible pledges of his return.

In his hatred of idleness, he ventured to suppress no less than seventeen fetes, and he had a project for lessening the number of those devoted to clerical and monastic life, by fixing the age for taking the vows some years later than was then customary.


rededicate, vow, employ, apply, utilize, commit, consecrate, use, sacrifice, dedicate, utilise, give,


explode, stay, disinherit, bottlefeed, breastfeed,

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