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dethrone Meaning in Tamil ( dethrone வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ராஜ பதவியிலிருந்து நீக்கு, பதவியின்று விலக்கு,

dethrone's Usage Examples:

Adil Shah was soon dethroned by his own brother, Ibrahim, and he in his turn was defeated by the adherents of Shah Rukh, who made their leader king.

In the "expedition of the ten thousand" undertaken by Cyrus to dethrone his brother Artaxerxes Mnemon, Clearchus led the Peloponnesians, who formed the right wing of Cyrus's army at the battle of Cunaxa (400.

The conquered provinces were organized under Macedonian governors and in Caria a dethroned princess of the native dynasty, Ada, was restored to power.

Claverhouse, now Viscount Dundee, despairing of his party, and under apprehension of an attack in arms, rode northward Killie- with a handful of horse, and began to play the part of Montrose, while the Convention offered the crown to William and Mary, adding the claim of right to dethrone a king who had infringed the laws.

A treasonable senate secretly plotting his dethronement, a mutinous diet rejecting the most necessary reforms for fear of "absolutism," ungrateful allies who profited exclusively by his victories - these were his inseparable companions during the remainder of his life.

Led away by evil counsellors, Sauji Bey plotted with Andronicus, son of the emperor, to dethrone their respective fathers.

But Richard, having been dethroned by Henry of Lancaster (Henry IV.

~aliiz; the regular intrigues between the amirs followed, leading to his being dethroned on the following 1st of April 1422, when the amir appointed to be his tutor, Barsbai, was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-A shraf.

How cheerful it is to hear of!Nevertheless he cheerfully gave his voice in 1814 for the dethronement of his patron, and his "suppleness" merited a seat in the chamber of peers, and, in 1817, the dignity of a marquisate.

realm and dethrone the queen.

Though not a minor, he had no greater success than the sons of the usurpers who preceded him, being dethroned after six weeks (March I5th, 1453) in favor of the amir Inal al-Ala~, who took the title Malik al-A shraf.

Nevertheless he cheerfully gave his voice in 1814 for the dethronement of his patron, and his "suppleness" merited a seat in the chamber of peers, and, in 1817, the dignity of a marquisate.

27, 1807), on the charge of plotting to dethrone his father and to murder his mother and Godoy.


divest, disinvest,


deposit, enthrone, invest,

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