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determining Meaning in Tamil ( determining வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உறுதி செய்்,

determining's Usage Examples:

The majority of the others are instances of gratuities given after the decision, and it is to be regretted that the judgment of the peers gives us no means of determining how such gifts were looked upon, whether or not the acceptance of them was regarded as a " corrupt " practice.

Pollock has taken pains to show how nearly Spinoza approaches certain ideas contained in the modern doctrine of evolution, as for example that of sell-preservation as the determining force in things.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, further antibody testing is useful for evaluating how your body is responding to treatment or determining whether there may be other dietary intolerances at play.

a x 4 (ar) 4s: 6 (ar) 2 (as) 2rxsy -I- (as) 4rx; 4) is any one of the conjugate quadratic factors of t, so that, in determining rx, sx from J z+k 1 f o, k 1 is any root of the resolvent.

He therefore abstained from determining for each case the specific heats of the solutions he employed, and contented himself with the above approximation.

Beside their use for determining astronomical events astrolabes were used as teaching tools in the late Middle Ages.

The mutual relations of palaeontology and embryology and comparative anatomy as means of determining the ancestry of animals are most interesting.

It is evident that this is a very delicate method of determining the wetness z, but, since with dry saturated steam at low pressures this formula always gives negative values of the wetness, it is clear that Regnault's numerical coefficients must be wrong.

Without determining the French style, Italian intercourse helped to stimulate its formation and development.

The aggregate thickness of the Proterozoic systems in the Lake Superior region is several miles, as usually computed, but there are obvious difficulties in determining the thickness of such great systems, especially when they are mtich metamorphosed.

His father advised him to revise his philological and philosophical studies, and read over Calvin's Institutions, before finally determining.

Below are set forth the methods of determining and dealing with such orbits.

Dean showed his badge and after determining Fred was unhurt, returned to the bar.


deciding, decisive, determinative, determinant,


indefinite, irresolute, inconclusive, noncrucial, indecisive,

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