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despite Meaning in Tamil ( despite வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



despite's Usage Examples:

During the lapse of untold generations, despite domestic anarchy and foreign conquest, the Hindu village has in many parts preserved its simple customs, written in the imperishable tablets of tradition.

But it is the general opinion of historians that he had a high sense of his responsibilities and a strong love of justice; despite the looseness of his personal morals, he commanded the affection and respect of Gilbert Foliot and Hugh of Lincoln, the most upright of the English bishops.

Gregory had promised not to create any more cardinals, and when he did so, in 1408, his former cardinals deserted him and, together with the Avignon cardinals, convoked the council of Pisa, which, despite its irregularity, proclaimed in June 1409 the deposition of both popes and the election of Alexander V.

Computers hummed, the sound enough to lull Lana to sleep nearly every shift she spent alone in the vault despite the sleep replacement supplements—known as anti-sleepers—she took.

Coligny was a Protestant, but he was a Frenchman before all; and wishing to reconcile all parties in a national struggle, he trumpeted war (cornait la guerre) against Spain in the Netherlandsdespite the lukewarmness of Elizabeth of England and the Germans, and despite the counter-intrigues of the pope and of Venice.

Yet, despite weighing some eight tons, tyrannosaurus Rex could put in short dashes at 30mph.

He appeared relaxed, despite the danger.

Despite the weakness of the Sleme - Mrzli line, both dominated and enfiladed, despite the practical certainty that it could not be maintained against a resolute offensive in force, the enemy attack found a large number of Italian guns, including many of medium calibre, stationed well in advance of the Pleca - Selisce line.

The men around her were happy despite their stony visages.

Rome has incorporated most of the Maronite saints in her calendar, while refusing (despite their apologists) to canonize either of the reputed eponymous founders of Maronism.

He'd forced her to stay awake through it all despite her fainting spells, tearing open her veins and feeding until she was too weak to fight him.

Her wrist throbbed despite the warmth in her blood caused by the sedative–pain reliever.

He had annihilated the petty kings of the South, had crushed the aristocracy, enforced the acceptance of Christianity throughout the kingdom, asserted his suzerainty in the Orkney Islands, had humbled the king of Sweden and married his daughter in his despite, and had conducted a successful raid on Denmark.


disregard, neglect,


courtesy, obedience, compliance,

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