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democrat Meaning in Tamil ( democrat வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மக்களாட்சிக் கோட்பாடு உடையவர்,

democrat தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


democrat's Usage Examples:

This policy - which was presumably that of Nicias in opposition to Alcibiades - having failed, the way was cleared for a reassertion of that policy of western conquest which had always had advocates from Themistocles onward in Athens,' and was part of the democratic programme.

The principality which was to become the nucleus of the future Russian empire was not Novgorod with its democratic institutions, but its eastern neighbour Moscow, in which the popular assembly played a very insignificant part, and the supreme law was the will of the prince.

Firstly, the onslaught on democratic practices is creating a new kind of authoritarianism, masked by Orwellian newspeak.

Henceforth Christian's suspected democratic principles made him persona ingratissima at all the reactionary European courts, his own court included, and he and his second wife, Caroline Amelia of Augustenburg, whom he married in 1815, lived in comparative retirement as the leaders of the literary and scientific society of Copenhagen.

The extreme democratic and socialistic party made with French aid some spasmodic efforts to stir up a revolutionary movement, but they met with no popular sympathy; the throne of Leopold stood firmly based upon the trust and respect of the Belgian nation for the wisdom and moderation of their king.

We must not demonstrate any arrogance, and we must refrain from any irrational or undemocratic behavior.

It has also clearly demonstrated its contempt for democracy through its willingness to ignore the democratically expressed wishes of the electorates in member states.

This principle contradicted the extreme democratic theories so much in fashion.

The wide availability of furniture lead to a democratization of style and certain looks became fashionable in the way limited availability of furniture in the past did not allow.

It is undemocratic, increasingly illiberal and riddled with fraud and corruption.


politico, politician, pol, Democratic Party, political leader,



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