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delirious Meaning in Tamil ( delirious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



delirious தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மிகுந்த களைப்பின் காரணமாக அவர் எழுந்த பின் சற்று பிதற்றும் நிலையில் இருந்ததாக கூறப்பட்டது.

பாண்டவர்கள் வாரணாவதத்தில் உள்ள அரக்கு மாளிகைக்கு சென்று தங்குவதற்கு முன்னர், விதுரன், தருமரை தனியே அழைத்து, காடு பற்றி எரியும் போது, எலிகள் வளையில் மறைந்து உயிர் பிழைத்துவிடும் எனப் பிதற்றும் மொழியில் பேசினார்.

delirious's Usage Examples:

delirious fans staged a street party outside the stadium, complete with booming firecrackers.

reggae groove in the simply deliriously fabulous ' Could You Be Loved ' .

The delirious sapper officer who was originally in command, disappears overboard during the night.

The restraint which it imposes and the equal distribution of heat over the surface frequently cause sleep quickly in patients who have previously been wildly delirious and entirely sleepless.

He had been unconscious ever since a week last Monday night, but he was not delirious.

There was nothing for me to do but offer comfort to the others, who were now lying delirious in their respective bunks.

Here, the violence, tho undoubtedly extreme, is somewhat defused by the delirious absurdity of the staging.

The patient may be somewhat confused and delirious.

delirious scenes at the finish.

Delirium: A swinging ring that accommodates 50 riders per ride, this massive pendulum arcs through 240 degrees as it rotates passengers along a delirious course.

A delirious thought tommy sat down at the table.

I was so delirious, I told my mom that Jesus was coming.

A blissful disco reggae groove in the simply deliriously fabulous ' Could You Be Loved ' .


ill, sick, hallucinating,


restrained, controlled, inhibited, well,

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