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defrayed Meaning in Tamil ( defrayed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தேவையான பணத்தைக் கொடு,

defrayed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தேவரின் நேர்மை, நாணயம், திறமை பற்றி அறிந்திருந்த நாகிரெட்டி, படத்தயாரிப்புக்கு தேவையான பணத்தைக் கொடுக்க முன்வந்தார்.

defrayed's Usage Examples:

It is under the control of a royal astronomer and its expenses are defrayed by the British admiralty.

This enterprise, of which the expenses were defrayed by the Jacobin Club, made him well known to the revolutionary leaders; and he made himself still more conspicuous in organizing the great "Fete de la Liberte" on the 1 5th of April 1792, in honour of the released soldiers of Chateau-Vieux, with Collot d'Herbois.

These special expenses are chargeable to each parish or contributory place, and they are defrayed by means of special sanitary rates, such rates being raised on all property assessed to the relief of the poor, but with the same exemptions of certain properties as have been mentioned under the head of general district rate in urban districts.

Expenditure, as under the Seljuk sultans, was defrayed partly in cash, partly in " assignations " (havale).

), even going so far as to refuse for nine years to refund the expenses of the Muscovite War, which he had defrayed out of his privy purse.

He settled at Madrid in 1626, and died there on the 28th of July 1631 in such poverty that his funeral expenses were defrayed by charity.

"This enterprise, of which the expenses were defrayed by the Jacobin Club, made him well known to the revolutionary leaders; and he made himself still more conspicuous in organizing the great "Fete de la Liberte" on the 1 5th of April 1792, in honour of the released soldiers of Chateau-Vieux, with Collot d'Herbois.

Until 1869 the expenditure of the colony was partly defrayed by imperial grants-in-aid, but after that date it was left to its own resources.

The expenses in a rural parish are defrayed by means of a rate raised with, and as part of, the poor rate, with a qualification to the effect that agricultural land, market gardens and nursery grounds are to be assessed to the rate at one-third only of their rateable value.

But any destitute German subject must be relieved by the local union in which he happens to be at the time, the cost of the relief being defrayed by the local or provincial union in which he has his domicile.

But since 1894 all extraordinary items of expenditure, with the exception of those for the construction of new lines of railway, have been defrayed out of ordinary revenue.

At last the book appeared in 1482, the expenses of the press being defrayed by the noble Florentine, Filippo Valori.




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