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deflexion Meaning in Tamil ( deflexion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


deflexion's Usage Examples:

- Unifilar Magnetometer, arranged to show deflexion.

When conducting a deflexion experiment the de flecting magnet K is placed with its centre at 30 cm.

In some cases the NEO is held together too weakly to be able to absorb the energy transfer required for deflexion.

, forming a bright spot on the surface; the slightest angular deflexion of the mirror, owing to its distance from the scale, moves the spot of light a very appreciable distance to the right or left according to the direction of the angular movement.

When electric waves fell on the antenna they caused the mercury-steel junction to become conductive during the time they endured, and the siphon recorder therefore to write signals consisting of short or long deflexions of its pen and therefore notches of various length on the ink line drawn on the strip of telegraphic tape.

At first a considerable current is indicated by the galvanometer; the deflexion soon diminishes, however, and finally becomes very small.

Taking disease to be a deflexion from the line of health, the first requisite of medicine is an extensive and intimate acquaintance with the norm of the body.

Its deflexion was observed by an attached mirror in the usual way.

Frederick Soddy magnetic deflexion of.

If the shaft is therefore to revolve stably this force must be balanced at any instant by the elastic resistanc of the shaft to deflexion.

In machinery, deflecting force is supplied by the tenacity of some piece, such as a crank, which guides the deflected body in its curved path, and is unbalanced, being employed in producing deflexion, and not in balancing another force.

While the tendril is thus diverted from its original direct course, the axillary bud of the leaf opposite the tendril begins a new podium, by lengthening into a shoot which assumes the direction the tendril had prior to its deflexion.


deflection, digression, turn, divagation, turning, deviation, red herring, diversion,


curdle, nitrify, empty, die, worsen,

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