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decubitus Meaning in Tamil ( decubitus வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நோய் பாதித்த பிராணி படுத்த நிலை,

decubitus தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


decubitus's Usage Examples:

The patient 's heel is lifted free of the bed, eliminating the risk of skin necrosis which may lead to decubitus ulcers.

The patient's heel is lifted free of the bed, eliminating the risk of skin necrosis which may lead to decubitus ulcers.

Lying in one position in bed for an extended period can result in sores on the skin (decubitus ulcers) and skin infection.

Pressure ulcer-Also known as a decubitus ulcer or bedsore, a pressure ulcer is an open wound that forms whenever prolonged pressure is applied to skin covering bony prominences of the body.


position, posture, attitude,


deglycerolize, disarrange, dominant, high status,

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