<< decapitations decapod crustacean >>

decapod Meaning in Tamil ( decapod வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



decapod's Usage Examples:

In the seas, bony fish and crab-like decapods increased in numbers and variety, while pelecypods and gasteropods took the prominent place previously occupied by ammonites and belemnites, and, leaving behind such forms as Rudistes, Inoceramus, 'c.

decapod crustaceans do not have thermal receptors.

- This order of sessile-eyed decapods was absolutely unknown to science till 1779.

Ecology of decapod crustacean larvae in the Irish Sea and the German Bight during the spring.

The decapods and other zooplankton in the samples were dried and weighed.

Advocates is calling on DEFRA and SEERAD to reconsider and extend the definition of " animal " to include cephalopods and decapod crustaceans.

decapod crustacean larvae in the Irish Sea and the German Bight during the spring.

I doubt that decapod crustaceans do not have thermal receptors.


order Decapoda, cephalopod mollusk, Decapoda, cuttle, Spirula peronii, cuttlefish, squid, spirula, cephalopod,


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