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debouche Meaning in Tamil ( debouche வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒடுங்கிய இடத்தில் இருந்து திறந்த வெளிக்குப் போ,

debouche's Usage Examples:

The destructive action of floods, however, led to the abandonment of this alignment, and the railway now follows the Mashkaf valley (which debouches into the plains close to Sibi), and is carried from near the head of the Mashkaf to a junction with the Bolan at Mach.

"None of them is navigable in the mountain valleys; but the Tista, after it debouches on the plains, can be navigated by cargo boats of considerable burthen.

'Zekki Pasha, in charge of the three corps grouped in the Vardar region, was at once directed by `Ali Riza to move forward against the Serbians as they debouched from the mountains.

To meet these forces the emperor could not collect men in all, of whom upwards of 10o,000 were held by Wellington on the Spanish frontier, and more were required to watch the debouches from the Alps.

The southern part is environed by high and well-wooded hills, while on the northern side, where it debouches on the plain, the banks are flat and less attractive.

Leaving the hills above Opladen, it debouches on to the plain and enters the Rhine at Rheindorf between Cologne and Dusseldorf, after a course of 63 m.

Skirting the forests of Compiegne, Halatte and Chantilly, all on its left bank, and receiving near Creil the Therain and the Breche, the river flows past Pontoise and debouches into the Seine 39 m.

The great importance of Rhodes belongs to the days after Alexander, when it received the riches of the East from the trade-routes which debouched into the Mediterranean at Alexandria and Antioch.

The district is poor in minerals; the yield of silver and copper has almost ceased, but there are workable coal seams near Offenburg, where the Kinzig debouches on the plain.

The special doctrines most commonly mentioned as due to him are - (I) that of "immaterial products," and (2) what is called his "theorie des debouches.

Its great natural strength and situation, not far from the mouth of the Sis pass, and near the great road which debouched from the Cilician gates, made Anazarbus play a considerable part in the struggles between the Byzantine empire and the early Moslem invaders.

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