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debater Meaning in Tamil ( debater வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



debater தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதுபோன்ற ஆராய்ச்சிகள் புரட்சிகரமானதாக இருந்தாலும் வாட்சன் அவா்களுடைய வாதத்திறமையால் உளவியலில் ‘நடவடிக்கைக் கொள்கை’ முக்கியத்துவம் பெற்றது.

இவர் ஒரு வலிமையான வாதத்திறமை வாய்ந்தவர்.

இவர் கல்லூரியில் சிறந்த வாதத்திறமை மிக்கவராக இருந்தார், அடிக்கடி ரோட்டரி கிளப் பரிசை வென்று வந்தார்.

ஸ்குவீலர் தன் வாதத்திறமைக்கொண்டு மற்ற விலங்குகளை குழப்பி அனுகூலம் தேட முற்படும்.

சிறு வயதிலேயே பேச்சாற்றலையும் விவாதத்திறமையும் பெற்றார்.

இதில் பொன்னம்பலத்தின் வாதத்திறமையினால் கூட்டணித் தலைவர்கள் விடுதலையாயினர்.

இவர் வாதத்திறமை வாய்ந்தவர்.

debater's Usage Examples:

The intellectual firepower will make them sharp debaters of policy options.

He served from 1852 to 1856 in the Missouri legislature as a Free Soil Democrat, in 1856 joined the Republican party, and in1857-1859and1861-1862was a member of Congress, where he proved an able debater.

The Greek ecclesiastes means one who takes part in the deliberations of an assembly (ecclesia), a debater or speaker in an assembly (Plato, Gorgias, 452 E), and this is the general sense of the Hebrew word.

He was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates in 1776-1780 and again in 1787-1788, and in 1787 was a member of the convention that framed the Federal Constitution, and as one of its ablest debaters took an active part in the work.

The tragic death of the crown prince Rudolph hushed for a time the strife of tongues, and in the meantime Tisza brought into the ministry Ders6 Szilagyi, the most powerful debater in the House, and Sandor Wekerle, whose solid talents had hitherto been hidden beneath the bushel of an under-secretaryship.

But he is rather the practised debater who will admit his opponent's principles for the moment when he sees his way to moulding them to his own purposes, than the philosophical statesman who has formulated a theory from whose terms he will not move.

Having failed to form a rival party against Sagasta, Martos subsided into political insignificance, despite his great talent as an orator and debater, and died in Madrid on the 16th of January 1893.

He made a reputation as a parliamentary debater, but lost favour with his constituents who were largely Republican, and only held his seat with the help of Livio Quartaroli, mayor of Forli, and Saffi; when they died his position became untenable and he was not reelected.

He was a powerful debater, but his victories were those of a dialectician rather than a convincing reasoner, and in him depth of insight and conviction were ill replaced by the controversial violence characteristic of the age.

From then on he was one of the most eloquent and frequent debaters among his colleagues, and in 1859, almost without opposition, he was re-elected to the Senate as a member of the Republican party, in the organization of which he had taken an influential part.


eristic, refuter, devil"s advocate, confuter, rebutter, disputant, wrangler, disprover, arguer, controversialist,



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