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cuspidal Meaning in Tamil ( cuspidal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cuspidal தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


cuspidal's Usage Examples:

xy 2 -4z 3 +g2x 2 y+g3x 3, and also the special form axz 2 -4by 3 of the cuspidal cubic.

And it then appears that there are two kinds of non-singular cubic cones, viz, the simplex, consisting of a single sheet, and the complex, consisting of a single sheet and a twin-pair sheet; and we thence obtain (as for cubic curves) the crunodal, the acnodal and the cuspidal kinds of cubic cones.

There is thus a complete division into the five kinds, the complex, simplex, crunodal, acnodal and cuspidal.

The singular kinds arise as before; in the crunodal and the cuspidal kinds the whole curve is an odd circuit, but in an acnodal kind the acnode must be regarded as an even circuit.

For a cuspidal cubic the six imaginary inflections and two of the real inflections disappear, and there remains one real inflection.

The oval may unite itself with the infinite branch, or it may dwindle into a point, and we have the crunodal and the acnodal forms respectively; or if simultaneously the oval dwindles into a point and unites itself to the infinite branch, we have the cuspidal form.

Each singular kind presents itself as a limit separating two kinds of inferior singularity; the cuspidal separates the crunodal and the acnodal, and these last separate from each other the complex and the simplex.

crunodal or acnodal), or cuspidal; and we see further that there are two kinds of non-singular curves, the complex and the simplex.


angular, cuspate, cuspated, angulate, cuspidate, cuspidated, cusped,


rounded, round, pointless, cycloid, amygdaliform,

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