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curb Meaning in Tamil ( curb வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கடிவாள வார்

curb's Usage Examples:

The fire flickered feebly, its passion curbed by time as well.

With that verbal curb stomp out of the way, I think it's safe to say that if they make another Area 51 in the same vein, it would have great potential if only they spent more time making it unique to counteract its audio/graphic handicap.

Only certain kinds of plastic can be recycled and most curbside programs do not accept plastic grocery bags.

The apple cider vinegar diet is based on the idea that consuming a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar prior to meals curbs the appetite and reduces cravings.

curbing emissions to meet the target agreed for 2010.

Atkins believes this state of being also curbs cravings for carbohydrates.

Wheelchair access is via two ramped approaches, both with dropped curbs.

This is well seen in Cucurbitaceae (fig.

His lectures and conversation classes were extraordinarily good, possessing as he did the rare gift of kindling the enthusiasm without curbing the individuality of his pupils.

It is not recommended to use a drop noseband with a curb bit or pelham as the noseband impedes the curb action.

We drive home from a bar, like we all have done, only someone steps off a curb and we're ruined for life.


kerbstone, curbstone, edge, kerb, curbing,


intemperate, intense, immoderation, unskillfulness, indiscipline,

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