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curare Meaning in Tamil ( curare வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வில் அமபில் தடவப்படும் ஓரு வகைத் தாவர நச்சு,

curare தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


curare's Usage Examples:

Thus curare may stop strychnine convulsions by paralysing the terminations of motor nerves, and chloroform may exercise the same effect by abolishing the irritability of the spinal cord.

There are therefore in most prescriptions (i) a basis or chief ingredient intended to cure (curare), (2) an adjuvant to assist its action and make it cure quickly (cito), (3) a corrective to prevent or lessen any undesirable effect (tuto), and (4) a vehicle or excipient to make it suitable for administration and pleasant to the patient (jucunde).

barbiturate overdose, often combined with curare, to cause death, which results from not breathing, by asphyxia.

the case of the gland-cells), since it occurs in an animal whose motor nerves have been paralysed by curare.

In the case of curare these are masked almost at once by paralysis of the terminations of the motor nerves.

curare on hypothalamic excitability and the electroencephalogram.

The researches of his pupil, Claude Bernard, on curare, were equally exact and logical, and have served as the model for many subsequent investigations.

"Ludolf, writes in his preface: "Quamobrem nullum gratius officium Christianae huic nationi a me praestari posse putavi, quam si Psalterium Aethiopicum, quod apud illos non aliter quam in membrana manuscriptum habetur, et taro satis venditur, typis mandari, ejusque plurima exemplaria nomine Societatis Indicae in Habessinia gratis distribui curarem.

Ludolf, writes in his preface: "Quamobrem nullum gratius officium Christianae huic nationi a me praestari posse putavi, quam si Psalterium Aethiopicum, quod apud illos non aliter quam in membrana manuscriptum habetur, et taro satis venditur, typis mandari, ejusque plurima exemplaria nomine Societatis Indicae in Habessinia gratis distribui curarem.

curare, to take care of), properly a presbyter who has the cure of souls within a parish.

Hunters tipped their darts with a potent plant poison called curare or with poison from certain species of frogs.


alkaloid, tubocurarine, plant toxin, neuromuscular blocking agent, phytotoxin,



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