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cuirassier Meaning in Tamil ( cuirassier வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மார்புக் கவசம் அணியும் குதிரை வீரர்,

cuirassier தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


cuirassier's Usage Examples:

regiments of cuirassiers, 32 of dragoons, 21 of chasseurs a cheval, 14 of hussars, 6 of chsseurs dAfrigue and ~.

About 5000 men under Jellachich had escaped to Tirol, 2000 cuirassiers with Prince Ferdinand to Eger in Bohemia, and about io,000 men under Werneck, had surrendered at Heidenheim.

The right of Milhaud's cuirassier corps, whilst marching from Marbais to Quatre Bras, saw a column of Prussian infantry retiring towards Wavre, and Milhaud reported this fact about 9 P.

The French cuirassiers made repeated charges on the flank of Rosenberg's force, and for long delayed the assault, and in the villages Lannes with a single division made a heroic and successful resistance, till night ended the battle.

In the second line were Kellermann's cuirassiers, the incomplete corps of Lobau, the squadrons of Domon and Subervie, and Milhaud's cuirassiers.

The first charge of the French was repulsed, but the second attempt, made by heavy masses of cuirassiers, was more serious.

But incapable of grasping the situation, and beside himself with rage, Ney sent imperative orders to D'Erlon to return at once, and immediately afterwards he ordered Kellermann to lead his one available cuirassier brigade and break through Wellington's line.

Gerard's corps (with which was Kellermann's cuirassier corps) halted astride the Sambre at Chatelet.

Some delay was occasioned by a thunderstorm; but, as this passed over, the guns opened and the Old Guard and Milhaud's cuirassiers proceeded to form up opposite to Ligny.

Waterloo he was in command of the Household Cavalry Brigade, which distinguished itself not less by its stern and patient endurance of the enemy's fire than by its celebrated charge on the cuirassiers of Milhaud's corps.

The cavalry is organized in regiments of cuirassiers, dragoons, lancers, hussars and mounted rifles,2 the regiments having four service and one depot squadrons.

Gaining at last room to form, the Swedes charged and routed the first line of the Imperial cavalry but were stopped by the heavy squadrons of cuirassiers in second line, and at that moment Gustavus galloped away to the centre where events had taken a serious turn.

Kellermann's cuirassiers and the heavy horse of the Guard (37 fresh squadrons) now advanced to support the baffled cavalry, the latter falling in as supports.

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