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cubic Meaning in Tamil ( cubic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கன சதுர வடிவமான,

cubic's Usage Examples:

brisket board has been fitted to the cubicle beds at 178cm from the heel stone to help ensure that cows lie correctly.

Diverging parabolas are cubic curves given by the equation y 2 3 -f-bx 2 -cx+d.

caesiumntrast with cesium chloride, sodium chloride forms a simple cubic structure.

There are three common methods for resampling: nearest neighbor, bilinear interpolation, and cubic convolution.

Note: read mol dm -3 s -1 as " moles per cubic decimetre (or liter) per second " .

tetrahedron groups with a cubic relator 2003/21 Vincent Schmitt.

The wood is variable in quality and, though hard in texture, is less durable than the best oak of British growth; the heart-wood is of a light reddish brown varying to an olive tint; a Canadian specimen weighs 524 lb the cubic foot.

I, Ben Gustefson, collated boring statistical figures while locked in a cramped cubical of a company that offered me no future potential.

For Tartaglia's discovery of the solution of cubic equations, and his contests with Antonio Marie Floridas, see Algebra (History).

Fleming, it 47r requires about 18 foot-pounds of work to make a complete mag netic cycle in a cubic foot of wrought iron, strongly magnetized first one way and then the other, the work so expended taking the form of heat in the mass.

2307) by dissolving nitrobenzene in ten times its weight of ether containing a few cubic centimetres of water, and heating with excess of zinc dust and anhydrous calcium chloride for three hours on a water bath.

Magnetite crystallizes in the cubic system, usually in octahedra, less commonly in rhombic dodecahedra, and not infrequently in twins of the " spinel type " (fig.


solid, cubical, cuboidal, isometric, blocky, cubiform, cubelike, boxy, cube-shaped, blockish, cuboid, boxlike, three-dimensional, box-shaped, brick-shaped, cubicity,


gaseous, unequal, unidimensional, planar, linear,

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