cryptomeria Meaning in Tamil ( cryptomeria வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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cryptomeria's Usage Examples:
Through the graceful cryptomerias distant mountains and the still more distant sky could be seen, and between the buildings in the foreground and those in the middle distance atmosphere appeared to be perceptible.
The original TOkaidO was taken for model, and Yedo and Nikko were joined by a highway flanked by rows of cryptomeria.
has gigantic cryptomerias and chamoecyparis; then follow pines; then, at a height of 9500 ft.
The chief shrine was shown, as were also the gate and the long flight of stone steps leading up to it, several other buildings, the groves of cryptomeria that surround the mausolea, and the festival procession.
cryptomeria japonica ' Tilford Cream ' A dark green conifer clothed with rich cream variegation, slightly bronzed in winter.