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crushed Meaning in Tamil ( crushed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



crushed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


crushed's Usage Examples:

He left Egypt so pe,si~ completely crushed that the subsequent usurpation period, of the Persian throne was marked by no revolt in that quarter.

His lips crushed down on hers, bruising them as his fingers dug into her shoulders.

It consists in wet-stamping coarsely crushed ore, settling the sands and slimes produced, and grinding and amalgamating them in steam-heated iron pans with or without the use of chemicals (salt and copper sulphate).

With the cost of about 200 killed on either side, the Convention crushed the royalist or malcontent reaction, and imposed on France a form of government which ensured the perpetuation of democracy though in a bureaucratic form - the first of those changes which paved the way to power for Bonaparte.

The megass coming from the first mill was saturated with steam and water, in weight equal to between 20% and 30% and up to 40% of the original weight of the uncrushed canes.

They are called " stainers " because their excrement is yellow and stains the fibre; also if crushed during the process of ginning they give the cotton a reddish coloration.

In the year 394 he served as a general of foederati (Gothic irregulars) under the emperor Theodosius in the campaign in which he crushed the usurper Eugenius.

braggadocio hides an almost unbearable vulnerability the product of a fragile sensitivity crushed by centuries of oppression.

At the very height of their power, however, they were almost crushed out of existence.

Petya's eyes grew bloodshot, and still more excited by the danger of being crushed, he rushed at the biscuits.

After an arduous march and in spite of the mutinous behaviour of his troops, Selim, crushed the Persians at Chaldiran (1515) and became master of the whole of Kurdistan.

An excellent glass sand is procured from crushed sandstone near Berkeley Springs, Morgan county.

His sudden return, far from widening the breaches between the allies, had fused them indissolubly together, and the four powers bound themselves to put 150,000 men apiece under arms and to maintain them in the field until Napoleon had been utterly crushed.


rough, unsmooth,


estimable, elated, smooth,

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