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crans Meaning in Tamil ( crans வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


crans's Usage Examples:

The Confederates, not dismayed thereby, effected their junction and moved on Corinth, which was defended by Rosecrans and 23,000 Federal troops.

Burnside and the new Army of the Ohio had now cleared east Tennessee and occupied Knoxville (September 2), and meanwhile Rosecrans by a brilliant movement, in which he displayed no less daring in execution than skill in planning, once more manoeuvred Bragg out of his position and occupied Chattanooga.

In the centre Rosecrans and Bragg spent the first six months of the year, as it were glaring at each other.

When, after Rosecrans's defeat at Chickamauga, Grant was placed in supreme command in the west, Sherman succeeded to the command of the Army of the Tennessee, with which he took part in the great battle of Chattanooga.

Did he brag about specific crimes when you were cellmates?Rosecrans manoeuvred his opponent out of one position after another until Bragg was driven back into Chattanooga.

- Chickasaw Bayou and Fredericksburg ended the Federal initiative in the west and the east; the Army of the Cumberland under Rosecrans alone could claim a victory.

Why were thousands of inhabitants deceived into believing that Moscow would not be given up--and thereby ruined?But the maps deceived Grant and Sherman as they had previously deceived Rosecrans.

Bridgeport >>Thus Rosecrans was confined to a semicircle of low ground around Chattanooga itself, and his supplies had to make a long and difficult detour from Bridgeport, the main road being under fire from the Confederate position on Lookout and in the Wauhatchie valley adjacent.

A war of manoeuvre followed, each side being reduced in turn by successive detachments sent to aid Rosecrans and Bragg in the struggle for Tennessee.

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