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crafty Meaning in Tamil ( crafty வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



crafty's Usage Examples:

It is a simple technique to learn, there are many types of macrame bracelets available, and even non-crafty people can easily learn to make their own designs.

A crafty prince, with all the tenacity of his race, Basil succeeded in incorporating with Muscovy the last remnants of the ancient independent principalities, by accusing the princes of Ryazan and Syeversk of conspiracy against him, seizing their persons, and annexing their domains (1517-1523).

If you're crafty, you could buy a quilt or blanket (or a kit made for such a purpose, which you should be able to find at your local craft store) and you can embroider the birth information yourself.

The e-mail name may look like some crafty gold speculator, but these anonymous offers with no money changing hands sound fictional to me.

They've been working for millions of years to get around this one; they're quite crafty at it.

The full quote runs: "Necessitous men are not, truly speaking, free men, but, to answer a present exigency, will submit to any terms that the crafty may impose upon them.

In a long series of crafty movements James managed to reintroduce episcopacy (1598-1600) by the aid of packed General Assemblies, later declared void by the Covenanters (1638).

Tasmanian savages were crafty warriors and kangaroo-hunters, and the women climbed the highest trees by notching, in quest of opossums.

You forget that death comes to the rich and the poor alike, and comes once for all; but remember, Acheron could not be bribed by gold to ferry the crafty Prometheus back to the sunlit world.

Impatient of control and hasty in action, he was no match for his crafty and plotting adversary, Louis XI.

On the 21st of August she first met the only man able to withstand her; and their first passage of arms left, as he has recorded, upon the mind of John Knox an ineffaceable impression of her "proud mind, crafty wit and indurate heart against God and His truth.

He failed, however, to realize his ambition of shutting in the Capet king and isolating him from the rest of Europe by crafty alliances, notably that with the emperor Frederick Barbarossawhile watching an opportunity to supplant him upon the French throne.

"Really?" said Pierre, gazing over his spectacles with curiosity and seriousness (for which Princess Mary was specially grateful to him) into Ivanushka's face, who, seeing that she was being spoken about, looked round at them all with crafty eyes.


wily, artful, tricksy, foxy, knavish, tricky, slick, dodgy, guileful, cunning, sly,


safe, artlessness, unattractive, maladroit, artless,

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