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coy Meaning in Tamil ( coy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தன்னடக்கமுள்ள, நாணமுள்ள,

coy's Usage Examples:

Nothing is known of an Av0np2v o-vvaycoyi, a sort of anthology or chrestomathy attributed to him by Suidas.

The policy of the government which protects game, both in the park and in the surrounding national forests, has induced elk, deer, antelope, mountain-sheep, bears, porcupines, coyotes, squirrels, gophers and woodchucks to take shelter here.

Like a lamb to the coyotes.

Jansenism >>CORNELIUS JANSEN (1585-1638), bishop of Ypres, and father of the religious revival known as Jansenism, was born of humble Catholic parentage at Accoy in the province of Utrecht on the 28th of October 1585.

Hares ("jack-rabbits"), chipmunks or ground-squirrels, and mice form a large portion of their food; but coyotes also kill the fawns of deer and prongbuck, as well as sage-hens and other kinds of game-birds.

The Hare Indian dog of the Great Bear Lake and the Mackenzie river is more slender, gentle and affectionate than the Eskimo dog, but is impatient of restraint, and preserves many of the characters of its wild ally, the coyote, and is practically unable to bark.

Bears, wolves, lynxes and foxes are also numerous in the east, and there the coyote is found in disagreeable numbers.

In Turner's days (1544) it was worth three times as much as a snipe, and at the same peroid Belon said of it - " C'est vn Oyseau es delices des Francoys.

When out after jack-rabbits two coyotes usually work together.

decoys strategically placed at the waters edge.

Before writing his history of Rome ('Pco,uacKa or `PcoyacKI `Iaropta), Dio Cassius had dedicated to the emperor Severus an account of various dreams and prodigies which had presaged his elevation to the throne (perhaps the Ev6Sia attributed to Dio by Suidas), and had also written a biography of his fellow-countryman Arrian.

Many are caught by means of female elephants previously tamed, and trained to decoy males into the snares.


modest, demure, overmodest,


proud, superior, unlimited, immodest,

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