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coverable Meaning in Tamil ( coverable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



coverable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மின்னஞ்சல் அணுக்கம் மற்றும் வலைத்தள உலாவுதல் போன்றவற்றில் இந்த சிக்கல் பொறுத்துக்கொள்ளத்தக்கது ஆனால் மற்ற சிக்கல்கள் வெளிப்படையாக கவனிக்கப்பட கூடிய நிலையில் உள்ளது.

coverable's Usage Examples:

On the other hand, a list of post-diluvian dynasties, which is quoted by Eusebius and Georgius Syncellus as having been given by Berossus, cannot, in its present form, be reconciled with the monumental facts, though a substratum of historical truth is discoverable in it.

misapplyes unwilling or unable to recover misapplied funds where these are clearly recoverable.

We must not suffer it to lead us into rhetoric about the deadness and the darkness of the middle ages, or hamper our inquiry with preconceived assumptions that the re-birth in question was in any true sense a return to the irrecoverable pagan past.

"I can understand perfectly well," says Kant, "how a consequence follows from its reason according to the law of identity, since it is discoverable by mere analysis of the notion contained in it.

A tendency to rhythmic contraction seems discoverable in almost all muscles.

Often the word thus extruded is irrecoverable; Ginevra, 125 sqq.

The path of duty for a general saddled with a plan which he disapproves is not easily discoverable.

of it too long, is able to bring irrecoverable ruin and misery" (Inquiry concerning Virtue or Merit, Bk.

Its highest function is the contemplation of the divine unity, discoverable under the manifold of objects.

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