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countless Meaning in Tamil ( countless வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எண்ண முடியாத, எண்ணற்ற,

countless தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நூறு (பொடி) எண்ண முடியாதிருப்பதால் அதன் முடியாதிருப்பதால் அதன் முதற் பெருந்தொகையைக் குறித்தது.

countless's Usage Examples:

That in which the left carotid artery alone exists, as found in all other birds examined by Nitzsch, and therefore as regards species and individuals much the most common - since into this category come the countless thousands of the passerine birds - a group which outnumbers all the rest put together.

The indigenous economic plants are few, and are of no commercial value, excepting wild ginseng,bamboo, which is applied to countless uses, and "tak-pul" (Hibiscus Manihot), used in the manufacture of paper.

In modern times pumping engines have replaced windmills, and the typical old Dutch landscape with its countless hooded heads and swinging arms has been greatly transformed by the advent of the chimney stacks of the pumping-stations.

Many of these aqueducts, as well as countless numbers of now leaky cisterns, could with but little trouble be brought into use again, and would greatly enhance the fertility of the country.

Such a monastery consisted of countless tiny huts of wattles and clay (or, where stone was plentiful, of beehive cells) built by the pupils and enclosed by a fosse, or trench, like a permanent military encampment.

There are a score of cases of serious imprisonment, and a countless number of arrests and temporary detention.

There are many scenes where you will run into countless Terminators in dark, heavily battle worn areas.

There must be countless indications of the course of Providence, for the most part unobserved, the meaning of only a few having become known to men.

In the interior on the north, the Cappella del Corporale possesses a large silver shrine, resembling in form the cathedral façade, enriched with countless figures in relief and subjects in translucent coloured enamels - one of the most important specimens of early silversmith's work that yet exists in Italy.

The exciting and profitable occupation of blockade-running led to countless small fights off the various harbours, and sometimes the United States navy had to fight a more serious action when some new "rebel" ironclad emerged from her harbour, inlet or sound.

Every Italian felt the presence of the Austrians in in the lagoons as a national humiliation, and between ml ::~~:: I8~9 and 1866 countless plots were hatched for their Ta expulsion.

If the inmates of the countless monastic establishments be excluded, comparatively few from northern or western Europe will remain: the German "Templar" colonies being perhaps the most important.


multitudinous, innumerous, incalculable, unnumerable, unnumbered, infinite, uncounted, numberless, innumerable, myriad, unnumberable,


determinable, relative, finite, mortal, calculable,

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