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cottiers Meaning in Tamil ( cottiers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


cottiers's Usage Examples:

Eight years later the Steelboys rose against the exactions of absentee landlords, who often turned out Protestant yeomen to get a higher rent from Roman Catholic cottiers.

The rural population of that country, at the earliest period accessible to our inquiries, consisted of (I) slaves, (2) free agricultural labourers, and (3) peasants proper, who were small farmers or cottiers and members of a commune.

The poorer servile classes or cottiers, wood-cutters, swine-herds, 'c.

This change led to the gradual disappearance of tenants in villeinage - the villeins and cottiers - and the rise on the one hand of the small independent farmer, on the other of the hired labourer.

Those who still kept their property nominally were in the position of Irish cottiers: they owed more than they could pay, and stone pillars erected on their land showed the amount of the debts and the names of the lenders.

Below the villeins in the social scale came the cottiers possessing smaller holdings, sometimes only a garden, and no oxen.

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