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cotta Meaning in Tamil ( cotta வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cotta's Usage Examples:

milkman's hat had been popular since Brando's Wild One?We fortunately have a milkman delivering to the remote cottage which like everything else around here is named after Agglestone.

cobble stones?One of the benefits ofcottage chic design is the ability to cobble a room or home together from various places and elements.

These young men went out into the villages, borrowed a chair of a cottager, and spoke from it at open-air meetings.

woodcutter's cottage in rural Kent, England.

Oldfield Cottage is a traditional 17th century Shropshire cottage with guest accommodation in a tastefully converted stable building.

sailfish cottage - A beautifully renovated Grade II listed fisherman's cottage situated in the heart of the Downalong area of St Ives.

Whilst house and cottage are both immediately habitable, there is scope for modernisation and improvement in both cases.

The attribution to Demeter is supported by the discovery of votive terra-cottas, representing Demeter and Kore in the neighbourhood, while the conjecture that it was dedicated to the rivergod Acragas rests on its position above the river, in the valley of which, indeed, a statue which may represent the deity has been discovered.

semidetached cottages, each sleeping four persons.

Long after dark we reached home and found the cottage empty; the family were all out hunting for us.

The public buildings include St Margaret's (1862) and St Winifred's (1883), the parish churches of Mountain Ash and Penrhiwceiber respectively; old and new town halls (1864 and 1904), cottage hospital (1896), and a library institute and public hall erected in 1899, at a cost of £8000, by the workmen of Nixon's Navigation collieries.

These include a small warehouse and the wharfinger 's cottage and office.

Our main courses of spinach and ricotta ravioli, home made cannelloni and risotto of langoustines were all a cut above the norm.

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