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coterie Meaning in Tamil ( coterie வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒரே கருத்துக்கள் கொண்ட (இலக்கியக்) குழு,

coterie's Usage Examples:

Still, some adherents of the old Israelitish moral and religious standards must have survived, only they were not to be found in the chief places of concourse, but as a rule in coteries which handed on the traditions of Amos and Isaiah in sorrowful retirement.

In a similar manner, while he abhorred the French Revolution when it came, he seems to have had no apprehension, like Chesterfield, Burke, or even Horace Walpole, of its approach; nor does he appear to have at all suspected that it had had anything to do with the speculations of the philosophic coteries in which he had taken such delight.

Upon Andrew Jackson's election to the presidency, the Telegraph became the principal mouthpiece of the administration, and received printing patronage estimated in value at "50,000 a year, while Green became one of the coterie of unofficial advisers of Jackson known as the "Kitchen Cabinet.

Atlanta for a largest media companies they would crawl his cinematic coterie.

Take away her assiduous frequentation of society, from the later philosophe coteries to the age of Byron - take away the influence of Constant and Schlegel and her other literary friends - and probably little of her will remain.

His youth was passed in scandalous dissipation, which drew upon himself and his coterie the detestation of the people of Paris.

The cities of Strassburg, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Basel, became centres of learned coteries, which gathered round scholars like Wimpheling, Brant, Peutinger, Schedel, and Pirckheimer, artists like Darer and Holbein, printers of the eminence of Froben.

He had the assistance of various members of the philosophe coteries in his most important work, L'Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissements et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes (Amsterdam, 4 vols.

The abbe de Chateauneuf died before his godson left school, but he had already introduced him to the famous and dissipated coterie of the Temple, of which the grand prior Vendome was the head, and the poets Chaulieu and La Fare the chief literary stars.

During President Grant's administration he was a member of the senatorial coterie that influenced most of the president's policies, and in 1873 Grant urged him to accept an appointment as chief justice of the Supreme Court, but he declined.

against the clerical coterie that surrounded the king, and had not influence enough to prevent the appointment of Monsignor Nozaleda, formerly archbishop of Manila and a prelate of notoriously reactionary views, to the Important Ann.

The election of Martin Van Buren as governor in 1828 marked the beginning of the long ascendancy in the state of the " Albany Regency," a political coterie in which Van Buren, W.

coterie of unelected powerful people calling the shots has to stop on all fronts.


junto, kitchen cabinet, loop, ingroup, band, circle, camarilla, sect, cabal, pack, rogue"s gallery, military junta, hard core, faction, bohemia, maffia, galere, set, junta, brain trust, mafia, clique, inner circle, lot, Bloomsbury Group, camp,


misfortune, success, good fortune, good luck, tasteful,

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