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cool Meaning in Tamil ( cool வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




சில்லென்ற தன்மை,

cool தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

களிப்பருளும் குளிர்ச்சியாகும் கதிரோன் தந்த.

cool's Usage Examples:

He drew her into his body, reveling in the flow of her cool energy.

613), but both modifications may exist in metastable forms at higher and lower temperatures respectively; the rhombic form may be cooled down to ordinary temperature without changing, the transformation, however, being readily induced by a trace of the red modification, or by friction.

With liquid machines of the compression and absorption system, the rooms are either cooled by means of cold pipes or surfaces placed in them, or by a circulation of air cooled in an apparatus separated from the rooms.

She hesitated at the front door, scanning the porch for snakes before she stepped out into the cool evening air.

For those who need some UV coverage built into their pants, Coolibar offers men's cargo pants designed to keep cool even in hot, sticky weather.

The machine keeps the milk cool until it's ready for use and then steams it right before pouring.

Some people fit extra oil coolers to the gearbox.

Another major consideration is the sustainability of mains-fed coolers.

But as all who knew him admit, and as his own records testify, notwithstanding an undercurrent of shrewd common sense, he was the creature, almost the sport, of impulse; his impressions and purposes changed with the speed of lightning; anger often mastered him; he went very often by intuitions and inspirations rather than by cool Authorities.

Some crystallizers are made entirely cylindrical, and are connected to the condenser of the vacuum pan; in order to maintain a partial vacuum in them, some are fitted with cold-water pipes to cool them and with steam pipes to heat them, and some are left open to the atmosphere at the top.

It is better to use a fairly large calorimeter to diminish the rate of cooling and the uncertainty of the correction for the water equivalent.

The Americana country style home also draws enormous inspiration from nature such as woolen blankets, birch fire logs, and stormy winter grey skies, sheer muslin, cool linens and golden summer sunbeams.


caller, air-cooled, water-cooled, cold, precooled, temperature, air-conditioned,


discharge, stabilise, wet, hot, warm,

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