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cooker Meaning in Tamil ( cooker வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சூட்டடுப்பு, சமையல் பாத்திரம்,

cooker தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

புரட்சிகள் இரட்டைச் சூட்டடுப்பு அல்லது கொடியடுப்பு என்பது குறைந்த விறகுடன் கூடிய பலனைத் தரக்கூடிய ஒரு அடுப்பு வடிவமைப்பு ஆகும்.

இரட்டைச் சூட்டடுப்பு.

இரட்டைச் சூட்டடுப்பு என்றழைக்கப்பட்ட இந்த அடுப்பு ஒருபுறம் விறகு வைத்து எரித்தால் பக்க இணைப்பாக வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள மற்றொரு அடுப்பிலும் நெருப்பு வரக்கூடியதாக வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது.

இவற்றை இலங்கையில் "சூட்டடுப்பு" என்பர்.

cooker's Usage Examples:

freezer microwave and crockery utensils saucepans electric cooker etc private lawns childrens play area parking.

For example: cookers, washing machines, metal shelving, car parts are all suitable.

based customers can purchase Hitachi rice cookers through online retailers like GrabCart and eCrater.

The Russell Hobbs pressure cookers are Russell Hobbs pressure cookers are Russell Hobbs Pressure Cooker Models.

Soldiers scattered over the whole place were dragging logs and brushwood and were building shelters with merry chatter and laughter; around the fires sat others, dressed and undressed, drying their shirts and leg bands or mending boots or overcoats and crowding round the boilers and porridge cookers.

Sicilian cookery: Rigatoni with red tuna and mint, risotto, stuffed leg of lamb, mixed grilled kebab, marsala cutlets.

Don't use matches or lighters to light gas cookers - spark devices, which you can buy from hardware stores, are safer.

Burgee >>A very useful addition to my already burgeoning " cookery book " shelf.

Immersed in cold water gelatin does not dissolve but swells up; it dissolves readily in hot water, forming, according to the quantity present, a thick jelly which solidifies to a hard mass on cooling (the " glue " of the woodworker), or a thin jelly (used in cookery).

When they came into a hot climate the fire of the sacrifices and domestic cookery was removed out of the house; but the dead were probably still for a while buried in or near it, and the tulsi was planted over their graves, at once for the salubrious fragrance it diffuses and to represent the burning of incense on the altar of the family Lar.

The oil is largely employed in native cookery.

Hitachi makes several rice cookers from a basic model to a high end, luxury model with all the bells and whistles.

"The seeds are a main ingredient in Indian cookery.


popper, cookware, Crock Pot, cooking utensil,



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