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contours Meaning in Tamil ( contours வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



contours's Usage Examples:

haptic device must therefore resolve shape by tracing the contours of the object.

The last is printed in five colours, the ground is shown in contours of io metres interval and grey stippling.

This ability to follow contours makes monorail lighting a functional choice with a designer touch available in a number of attractive finishes and accent colors to compliment your decorative choices.

Look for topographic association by overlaying contours or shaded relief.

At the same time it cannot be denied that these maps, unless the contours are inserted at short intervals, lack graphic expression.

In the fork of the North and South Platte are the Wild Cat Mountains with contours rising to 53 00 ft.

Carla, compiled a contoured map of France (1791), and it only needed the introduction of graduated tints between these contours to secure a graphic picture of the features of the ground.

plumbed up in this way I will have a good idea of the contours of the entire swim.

Lehmann (1783) who based his method of hill-shading or hachuring upon these horizontal contours.

Cruquius in his chart of the Merwede (1728); Philip Buache (x737) introduced such contours or isobaths (Gr.

Hence their line of trend, which like that of all the other strata is in a north-easterly direction, may be traced from hill to hill by their more craggy contours.

From the first application, it smoothes skin and refines and tones facial contours to promote radiant, more youthful looking features.

The Mississippi river is skirted throughout the length of the state by contours of 400 to 600 ft.


isometric, isometric line, contour line, thalweg,


thoughtfulness, acuteness, inability, stay, plural,

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