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consulship Meaning in Tamil ( consulship வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


consulship's Usage Examples:

After this he obtained the proconsulship of Africa, and again on his return was sent as legate successively to Dalmatia and Pannonia.

colleague in the consulship passed the lex Terentia Cassia, to give authority for purchasing corn with the public money and retailing it at a fixed price at Rome.

He was legally ineligible for the consulship, having held none of the lower offices of state and being under age.

In canvassing for the consulship he was guided by the counsels of an Etruscan soothsayer, and was accompanied in his campaigns by a Syrian prophetess.

In the same year Pollio entered upon his consulship, which had been promised him in 43.

loo) in the senate on the occasion of his assumption of the consulship, containing a somewhat fulsome eulogy of Trajan.

"He was also chiefly instrumental in securing the election of Marius to his fourth consulship (102).

In the same year he was deprived of his proconsulship and his property confiscated; subsequently (the chronology is obscure, see Mommsen, History of Rome, bk.

Before the first consulship of Julius Caesar (59 B.

It needed a change in the constitution to give the consulship to Lucius Sextius; it needed only union and energy in the electors to give it to Gaius Marius.

II, 66 alludes to the consulship of P.

The consulship of the two Gemini by Lactantius, Div.


post, place, office, berth, position, billet, situation, spot,


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